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I want to make a difference in my life. I want to inspire you and accompany you on your journey, encourage you to dream and grow. You have the right to freedom, inner peace, happiness, health and unconditional love. I wish that you live your life according to your own ideas and be an inspiration for those around you.

„Beyourselfthe change you wish to see in this world. „(Mahatma Gandhi)

Do you know this? You think you can’t make much of a difference as a single person? Do you like to complain about things in the outside world, but have a hard time changing your own behavior?

For a long time I did that, until I realized that if I want to change the world, I have to change myself. So in recent years I have begun to transform my own microcosm, the world around me, through my own behavior.

This included, for example:

〆Appreciating nature and doing so on all levels in my everyday life.
〆To meet people openly and trust them
〆Recognize the animals as like-minded living beings.
〆Basing my actions on joy, love, respect and appreciation.

Of course, everything with its natural and daily fluctuations. 😉

What do you wish for this world? What may change with you?

ღდ Be the change, your Tami ღდ