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The Beauty of Yoga

Glad to have you here!

Sometimes it takes a change of perspectives. Or as Janosch would say:

Everything is reversed, and up becomes down, and broken becomes fully good.

Thus, yoga helps us become not only more physically agile, but also more mentally flexible.

You want to switch off from the overflow of information, thoughts, demands?
You don’t want to look for answers on Google anymore, but inside yourself?

As Eric Butterworth concludes his story of „the divinity of man,“ man has conquered the world, set out to discover the universe, dived, flown, and dug.. to seek something that can only be found within himself.

I look forward to going with you on this exciting journey within and to find the treasure that you carry within you.




Dear Tami!

Thank you very much for the yoga retreat in Malaga!
It was a journey to myself. I learned to set limits, to allow feelings and was allowed to experience my own limits.
Your yoga classes are so powerful, and I got to test my limits doing handstands and acroyoga.
The workshops showed me so many insights and made me think.
Thank you also for the great massage.
You are unique, your laughter is contagious and you radiate a confidence and so much power.
Thank you 🙏❤️

Testimonial Lena Arnold
Lena A.
Yoga Retreat "Connect to yourself & others", Seville, Spain

Dear Tami, ♡
Thank you for the wonderful time in Malaga, thank you for being me and that I could be me.
Thank you for your daily motivation, I am so proud of myself that I managed to do a headstand and fly at acroyoga.
Your yoga classes were great and always pushed me to my limits and made me grow. You have such a radiant personality and your laugh is immediately infectious. Thank you for the feeling of security and safety.
The yoga retreat was again a magical experience for me with wonderful experiences, wonderful people and so much I was able to learn and take away for myself.
I was able to leave my comfort zone once again, and for that I am very grateful.
I love your retreats, Sevillia was already so wonderful and magical [...]

Saskia B.
Yoga Retreat "Connect to yourself & others", Seville, Spain
This is what you can look forward to

Appointment overview

08 Februar
Yoga Tagesretreat

Yoga-Tages-Retreat für innere Stärke und Resilienz

Time 10:00AM
Entdecke die Power in Dir Das Leben verläuft oft anders, als wir es planen – aber der wahre Unterschied liegt darin, wie wir damit umgehen! Dieses ganzheitliche Tagesretreat lädt Dich…
15 Februar
Yoga Retreat Bali 2025

Bali Yoga Retreat für Fortgeschrittene

Date 15. Februar 2025-22. Februar 2025
Cost 1.935,00€ – 2.290,00€
Datum: 15.-22.02.25 Ort: Ubud, Hot Stone Club Lehrer: Tamara Miriam Bäuerle & Ankit Chauhan Anfragen an: Alle Infos findest HIER. Bali Yoga Retreat 2025
17 Mai
Yoga und Wandern Mai 2025

Komme in Harmonie beim Yoga Retreat in Griechenland 2025

Date 17. Mai 2025-24. Mai 2025
Erfahre Deinen Körper als Kraftquelle Komme mit mir vom 17.05.-24.05.2025 an die Westküste Griechenlands – tägliche Yoga Einheiten und Wanderungen im Epirus verbinden Dich mit den Elementen und lässt Dich…
Yoga Retreat in Europa

"Be yourself the change you wish to see in this world."

Mahatma Gandhi
My inspiration & motivation

Hi, I am Tamara

I want to inspire you and accompany you on your journey, encourage you to dream and grow. You have the right to freedom, inner peace, happiness, health and unconditional love.

I wish that you live your life according to your own ideas and be an inspiration for those around you.

Innere Stärke mit Yoga
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