Why do yoga?
What your yoga practice shows you when you step on the mat.
You can think of your yoga mat as your mirror. Everything you experience on your mat, you also experience in your daily life.
What do I mean by that? In your yoga practice, you will face different situations, such as when you can’t do a pose, when you start comparing yourself to others in the class, when you come to an asana you’ve never done before, or when you really want to do an asana but your body isn’t ready for it.
In these situations, you can begin to observe yourself. Start observing your thoughts. What are you telling yourself? What stories and beliefs come to mind?
How do you react when you can’t perform an asana?
- Are you starting to get angry with yourself?
- Are you frustrated?
- Do you want to leave the class?
- Are you staying calm?
- Do you accept the actual state and analyze the problem?
- Are you asking someone for help?
How do you react when someone next to you in yoga class is more flexible or stronger?
- Are you starting to compare yourself?
- Do you feel small? Do you think you are not enough?
- Do you think you will never be like that?
- Do you stay on your own mat and focus on yourself?
- Do you still feel worthy and enough?
- Do you think you could make it one day if you give it your all?
- Do you think you can learn and grow?
How do you react when a new pose comes along that you’ve never done before?
- Are you telling yourself that you will never make it?
- Are you afraid of falling?
- Are you afraid to fail?
- Are you afraid of embarrassing yourself?
- Do you believe in yourself that you can do it?
- Can you overcome your fears
- Can you trust your body to catch you when you fall?
- Can you trust yourself?
How do you react when you really want to do an asana but your body won’t allow you to go into it?
- Are you starting to push yourself?
- Are you allowing your ego to take control?
- Do you accept the limits of your body?
- Do you wait patiently and are you willing to put in the work required?
- Do you commit to your own yoga practice?

Can you now see the parallels to your daily life?
- How do you react when you can’t complete a task given to you by your boss, partner or friend?
- Are you starting to get angry with yourself?
- Are you starting to get frustrated?
- Are you asking someone for help?
How do you react when your colleague or friend does something better than you?
- Are you starting to compare yourself?
Do you take it as an opportunity to learn and grow?
How do you react when someone gives you a new task?
Do you start to get stressed or do you take the task as a welcome challenge?
Yoga shows you YOUR STRATEGIES on how to deal with different situations.
And now you can look at those behaviors and ask yourself, „Does it benefit me?“
Will I get the results I want if I keep doing this? And if not, what alternative strategy could I use to get to the point where I want to be?
Your yoga mat is always there for you to reflect on your behavior.
Your yoga mat will not judge you and will not leave you. Your yoga mat is your playground to observe your thoughts and strategies and a perfect opportunity to change them if needed.
Instead of getting frustrated and leaving immediately because an asana didn’t work out, you can stay on your mat and maybe ask your teacher for advice on how to work on it. Instead of getting frustrated because your cake didn’t rise, you can ask your friend for help.
Instead of pushing your body into asanas it just doesn’t like, you can start accepting your own limitations and shift your focus to all the other asanas you can do. Instead of pushing yourself to do things you don’t really like, bring more things into your life that you enjoy.
Instead of comparing yourself to others and feeling not enough, take the person as inspiration and a cue to grow. Instead of being jealous of your neighbor because of his big house, start learning about money and investing.
Consider your own yoga practice as your mirror.
Everything you experience on your mat, you experience in your daily life. It is your own reflection of yourself. How you act and react on your mat is how you will act and react in your life. The way you see yourself on your mat is the way you see yourself in the world.
Do you have the courage to look in your mirror, then come to online yoga, a yoga retreat or a yoga teacher training. To never miss another opportunity, sign up for my newsletter right now.
I wish you much love and courage to look in your mirror.
Your Tami ❤
This blog article is inspired by Nathania Stambouli