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Yoga Retreats

Harmony and harmony
for your body, mind and soul.

You love yoga and traveling? You want to try something new or you already love to fill your vacation with yoga and experiences?

Each of the yoga retreats is exceptional. I have chosen magical places, with unforgettable food, with loving hospitality and a Yoga Shala to feel good.

Over the years, I’ve found time and again that being happy is quite simple. From this I have compiled my secret recipe for a fulfilled life, with the following ingredients (the quantities remain secret. 😉):

  • Movement and rest
  • Good nutritious food for body and soul
  • An environment to feel at home
  • People, to feel good

You will find this recipe in its application in my yoga retreats, each with a different focus. You love nature? Then join me on my yoga and hiking weeks. You want to combine yoga with coaching? Then my transformational retreats are for you. You want to work out and test your limits? Then come to one of the Yoga meets Functional Retreats. You are a yoga teacher or have years of yoga experience? Then the Yoga Intensive Retreat is probably your choice.

Yoga Retreats

Life is simple.
Keep it simple.
Enjoy the moment.

With my yoga retreats I want to create a space for you to discover yourself. Be it on your own yoga mat or in interaction with other participants. Space not only in your and for your body, but also space for your mental health, growth and spiritual learning. I have made it my mission to give you this open space into which you can grow.

As each yoga retreat is unique, with a very exclusive programme, feel free to browse further on my individual yoga retreat pages.

I look forward to seeing you 🤍


Be there

Current Yoga Retreats

18 September
Yin Yoga Retreat Österreich 2025

Yin Yoga und Meditationsretreat 2025

Time 3:00PM-11:00AM
Yin Yoga Retreat September 2025 Momente der Stille – Yin Yoga & Meditation 18.-21. September 2025 Gönn Dir vier Tage zum Durchatmen, Loslassen und Auftanken. In unserem Yin Yoga und…
11 Oktober
Yoga und Wandern Griechenland

Yoga Retreat Griechenland, 11.10.-18.10.2025

Time 3:00PM-11:00AM
Erfahre Deinen Körper als Kraftquelle Komme mit mir vom 11.10.-18.10.2025 an die Westküste Griechenlands – tägliche Yoga Einheiten und Wanderungen im Epirus verbinden Dich mit den Elementen und lässt Dich…
27 Mai
Yoga und Wandern Mai 2025

Yoga Retreat Griechenland, Sivota 27.05.-03.06.2025

Time 3:00PM-10:00AM
Erfahre Deinen Körper als Kraftquelle Komme mit mir vom 27.05.-03.06.2025 an die Westküste Griechenlands – tägliche Yoga Einheiten und Wanderungen im Epirus verbinden Dich mit den Elementen und lässt Dich…

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Dear Tami! Thank you very much for the yoga retreat in Malaga! It was a journey to myself. I learned to set limits, to allow feelings and was allowed to experience my own limits. Your yoga classes are so powerful, and I got to test my limits doing handstands and acroyoga. The workshops showed me so many insights and made me think. Thank you also for the great massage. You are unique, your laughter is contagious and you radiate a confidence and so much power. Thank you. 🙏

Testimonial Lena Arnold
Lena A.
Yoga Retreat "Connect to yourself & others", Seville, Spain

Dear Tami, ♡ Thank you so much for the wonderful time in Malaga, thank you so much for being me and allowing me to be me. Thank you for your daily motivation, I am so proud of myself that I managed to do a headstand and fly at acroyoga. Your yoga classes were great and always pushed me to my limits and made me grow. You have such a radiant personality and your laugh is immediately infectious. Thank you for the feeling of security and safety. The yoga retreat was again a magical experience for me with wonderful experiences, wonderful people and so much I was able to learn and take away for myself. I was able to leave my comfort zone once again, and for that I am very grateful. I love your retreats, Sevillia was already so wonderful and magical [...]

Saskia B.
Yoga Retreat "Connect to yourself & others", Seville, Spain