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Yoga Teacher Training

Become a yoga teacher

  • You want to pass on your knowledge and your love for the balance between body, mind and soul to other people?
  • Want to dive deeper into yoga philosophy yourself?
  • You want to understand the correct alignment and muscle activation of each asana and its energetic effect?

Then join me on the path and become a yoga teacher. This journey holds something different for everyone and I look forward to accompanying and supporting you on your yoga teacher training.

The aim of this yoga teacher training is that you can pass on and teach yoga with a lot of knowledge and love.

Open yourself to the enriching world of yoga and pass it on to your students. You will soon feel that yoga is not practicing asanas, but yoga is paving a path for you and recording a new philosophy of life.

With the Yoga Teacher Training you deepen your knowledge of yoga, refine your own practice and dive even deeper into the philosophy of yoga.

After graduating as a yoga teacher, you are eligible to register with the Yoga Alliance as a yoga teacher (RYT200). This registration provides you with a globally recognized credential.

For all details about the Yoga Teacher Training please enter your email address and language so that I can email you the relevant PDF.

We open up a protected space for you to grow into and within which you can develop physically and mentally. Together we will learn, practice and share experiences. You will get to know yourself authentically so that you can transport exactly that into your yoga classes.

Thank you for your confidence in taking this step with me.


Be there

Current Teacher Trainings

05 September
Yin Yoga und Meditationsausbildung

100h Yin Yoga & Meditationslehrer Ausbildung Ulm

Date 5. September 2025-7. September 2025
100h Yin Yoga & Meditationslehrer Ausbildung 2025/2026 in Ulm, Baden-Württemberg Werde zertifizierte/r Yin Yogalehrer/in und vertiefe Dein Wissen über die Kunst der Stille und Achtsamkeit. Unsere 100h Yin Yoga &…
02 November
Yogalehrer Ausbildung 2025

Yogalehrer Ausbildung 200h Hatha & Vinyasa 2025

Date 2. November 2025-22. November 2025
Wir begleiten Dich auf dem Weg vom Yogapraktizierenden zum Yogalehrenden. Diese Yogalehrer/innen Ausbildung ist für Dich, wenn Du Dein Wissen über Yoga erweitern, Deine Praxis verfeinern und in die Philosophie…

Yoga Lesson Template from the Yoga Teacher Training Course

Want to teach yoga yourself or create your own class, but not sure how to get started? Having a hard time setting up your own yoga classes?

I put together this template for my vinyasa yoga classes right after my yoga teacher training and still use it today after many years.

It gives you the opportunity to build a safe and healthy practice and support in your first lessons that you teach yourself. My yoga students always get this template on the way from me and since it has helped them as much as it has helped me, I hope you can use it in the same way when you need it.

Have faith in you & all the love! ❤

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