„Nothing is as constant as change. All things are in eternal flux, in becoming; their persistence is only appearance.“ Heraclitus
Our yoga retreat in May is themed „CHANGE“. The whole life is a constant change, everything changes and so we can change with it. Namely, in the person that we truly are. We believe and want that …
… a huge potential lies dormant in you.
… it is important to know your limits and communicate them freely.
… your everyday life is characterized by love and trust.
… You realize how fabulous you are.
… You will experience support in a group.
… You feel that we are all connected.
We carry a pure essence within us that is often covered by patterns and limitations. So we believe things about ourselves or the world that hold us back, carry around emotions that block us and feel heavy, don’t allow us to feel truly free. The wonderful thing is that we can change that. The moment I recognize myself, I can bring my own energy back into flow.
This yoga week will be transformative – as the daily yoga sessions will be complemented by workshops and exercises to work with your emotions and behavior patterns. We come from the head into the body – because only self-experiencing transforms something in you. This is about recognizing your protective mechanisms and belief patterns, freeing yourself from fixed emotions. We trade fear for love. <3 The yoga sessions activate the energy in your body, bring you into your strength, flexibility, balance, stillness – physically as well as mentally. In this week you have the opportunity to BE with yourself, to feel yourself on all levels, to transform yourself to experience yourself more in your authentic SELF! The sun of southern Spain and the sea with its power & purification, support us in the inner transformation – the inner CHANGE.
Changes are triggered in life from the outside, by a change in circumstances or by positive events. But even without external impetus, we are always challenged to move and develop ourselves. Because growth is only possible outside the comfort zone.