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Dear Tami, dear Domi,

thank you very much for the wonderful time in Andalusia! In the beginning, I didn’t know what to expect. Just that the retreat might be the right thing for me and my current stage of life.
That it was the right decision, I know at the latest since last evening.
You have created a feel-good atmosphere that is exceptional. It was wonderful for body and mind, much more than yoga.
You responded to everyone individually, gave freedom – gave us the security that we could give ourselves and go as far as it felt good for us. That we are enough as we are 🙂 For this I am grateful. Thank you!
I leave the week strengthened and can take a lot of things with me for the future. Hopefully I can implement it in everyday life 🙂
In addition to the varied program, I also liked that I got to know different Spanish dishes that were prepared with a lot of love. The loving togetherness of everyone involved in the whole retreat – you as yoga teachers and hosts as well as the staff. Simply a great community!
I really hope to see you again in a future retreat 🙂

Love greetings
Theresa (Germany ;))